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Northwest garners national recognition for p和emic response

2021年7月16日 | 更新:11月. 9, 2021

这是七年来第五次了, 美国州立学院和大学协会(AASCU)授予网上赌博网站十大排行卓越和创新奖, honoring the institution this time for its response to the COVID-19 p和emic.

AASCU选择网上赌博网站十大排行获得其2021年AASCU农村类校园流行病应对卓越和创新奖. 西北的提交, “Learning 和 Success: 网上赌博网站十大排行’s Philosophy for Managing the P和emic,,因其杰出的成果和影响其他机构的潜力以及作为其他机构的榜样而被评选出来.

西北总裁博士. 在2020年秋季学期的第一天,约翰·亚辛斯基(John Jasinski)在学生们去上课的路上撞了撞肘部,以示欢迎. The University's fall enrollment was the highest in its 115-year history. (<a href='http://1j42.techgyaani.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a> photo)

西北总裁博士. 在2020年秋季学期的第一天,约翰·亚辛斯基(John Jasinski)在学生们去上课的路上撞了撞肘部,以示欢迎. The University's fall enrollment was the highest in its 115-year history. (网上赌博网站十大排行 photo)

“We at Northwest are humbled by the national recognition from AASCU,” 西北总裁博士. 约翰·亚辛斯基说. “Our p和emic response was not with an award in mind, 但这种认可验证了网上赌博网站十大排行的方法和部署,以及西北航空的榜样地位. 难以置信的辛勤工作, 奉献, 网上赌博网站十大排行的学生和全体教职员工的毅力和韧性是这种认可的真正标志. We said from the beginning we wanted Northwest to be stronger coming out of the p和emic, 很明显,网上赌博网站十大排行正走在这条道路上.”

该奖项反映了网上赌博网站十大排行在疫情期间为维持地面运营和服务而开展的工作,同时实施了缓解措施,降低了2019冠状病毒病在校园内传播的可能性. 通过校园领导和由员工和学生组成的“绿色团队”的共同努力, 大学成功地将行动与包含四个主题的指导理念结合起来——学习和成功, 健康与安全, 敏捷性, 和生存能力.

大学部署了13个绿色团队,作为跨职能小组,负责应对挑战和机遇,并在短时间内提出解决方案. 绿色团队, 今年秋天,随着大学将重点转向更传统的校园体验,它们将继续被使用, 解决缓解, 接种疫苗, academic calendaring 和 learning modalities, 在其他问题中.

“学院所有成员的合作和支持为学生提供了一个安全的环境, faculty 和 staff to live 和 learn at Northwest,大学警察中尉说. Am和a Cullin, who oversees the University’s crisis management team 和 Green Teams. “通过网上赌博网站十大排行对学习和成功的关注, 健康与安全, 可行性和敏捷性, 网上赌博网站十大排行的回应, adjusted 和 moved forward while maintaining a robust learning experience.”

<a href='http://1j42.techgyaani.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>在疫情期间采取的缓解措施包括要求在教室里戴口罩. (<a href='http://1j42.techgyaani.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a> photo)

网上赌博网站十大排行在疫情期间采取的缓解措施包括要求在教室里戴口罩. (网上赌博网站十大排行 photo)

网上赌博网站十大排行已经为学生提供了笔记本电脑和教科书,作为学费包的一部分, 该方案为学生提供了必要的工具,使他们在大流行期间在同步和非同步学习环境中继续学习. 另外, Northwest created a temporary grading policy 和 paused probation 和 suspension protocols, 让学生们放心,他们的学习成绩不会因为疫情开始时因居家令而产生的巨大变化而受到影响.

与健康和安全有关, 西北方向与当地, state 和 national guidance in requiring face coverings for all individuals on campus, in addition to promoting other COVID-19 mitigation measures, such as social distancing 和 enhanced hygiene practices. In combination with increased attention to cleaning campus facilities, all students 和 employees were provided with h和 sanitizer 和 br和ed face coverings. Classrooms were equipped with bottles of disinfectant br和ed as “Bearcat Thunder.” As COVID-19 接种疫苗 became available to the public this past spring, 该大学与当地保健机构合作,开办了大规模疫苗接种诊所,分发了12多份疫苗,为学生接种000次疫苗, 员工和当地居民.

在大流行期间, the University has continuously evaluated its environment, requested flexibility of the campus community 和 adapted as conditions changed. 该大学在整个大流行期间始终如一地宣传缓解措施和其他举措, 除了在校园的所有区域张贴标志,维护一个专门介绍COVID-19信息的网页,并回答常见问题之外.

同时, Northwest welcomed a record enrollment in fall 2020recorded its highest graduate student headcount during the spring 2021 semester. 该大学在保留率方面继续优于全州同行,并在2020年秋季录得76%的保留率,这是该机构历史上第二高的保留率,而其第二年至第三年的保留率达到了85%的历史最高水平.

网上赌博网站十大排行也有资助学生, supported employees 和 maintained operations through strategic, deliberate 和 incremental actions during the p和emic. 它没有提到裁员, reductions in force or salary cuts as other institutions did, 和 the University maximized monies received through the Coronavirus Aid, 救援, 和经济安全(关怀)法案.

The University invested CARES Act funding into training, 技术, 许可证和其他远程学习需求使学生和教师能够在整个大流行期间在同步和异步环境中继续学习课程. (<a href='http://1j42.techgyaani.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a> photo)

The University invested CARES Act funding into training, 技术, 许可证和其他远程学习需求使学生和教师能够在整个大流行期间在同步和异步环境中继续学习课程. (网上赌博网站十大排行 photo)

Northwest distributed more than $9 million, or 64 percent of the CARES Act funding it received, directly to students as assistance 和 refunds. 另外, the University invested about $3.9 million of its CARES Act funding into remote learning needs, 包括培训, 技术 和 licenses; $908,在校园里资助的缓解工具, 比如空气净化器, plexiglass barriers 和 touchless faucets; 和 nearly $200,000 was invested in testing 和 contact tracing to prioritize student 和 employee 健康与安全.

网上赌博网站十大排行在疫情期间的努力重点是确保学生继续毕业, 维持注册和运营, 和 supporting students 和 employees to maintain their health 和 well-being.

网上赌博网站十大排行始终把员工和学生的学习环境和安全放在决策的最前沿,网上赌博网站十大排行教务长Dr. 杰米·胡伊曼说. “有了这个, 和 some amazing 和 creative faculty 和 staff, Northwest not only prevailed but flourished in a time of chaos. 熊狸的适应能力很强, 弹性和创造性, 和 if we stay true to our mission – even in times of challenge – we will find the correct path, 通过相互支持来创造成功, 并在此过程中学习和成长.”

AASCU has previously recognized Northwest for 学生的成功和大学的完成 in 2019, the Christa McAuliffe Excellence in Teacher Education Award in 2018, for 可持续性和可持续发展 in 2017 和 for 国际教育 in 2015. Northwest was just the third institution in the nation to earn the McAuliffe award two times, 在2006年第一次收到它.

About the Excellence 和 Innovation Awards

AASCU卓越创新奖的获奖者在11月11日的协会年会上得到了表彰. 在佛罗里达州的清水镇.

卓越和创新奖计划每年表彰AASCU成员机构在公民学习和社区参与领域的卓越和创新, 区域经济发展, 学生的成功和大学的完成, 可持续性和可持续发展, 教师教育, 国际教育, 领导力发展和多样性.

 “I am honored to recognize these Excellence 和 Innovation Award winners, 他们展现了巨大的创造力, 弹性, 和 奉献 during an incredibly difficult year,AASCU主席Dr. 米尔德丽德García说. “These institutions are paving the way in prioritizing equity, 学生的成功, 和 moving their diverse communities 和 regions forward as stewards of place.”

获奖作品必须证明该机构的倡议得到了高层管理部门的支持, connected with its mission 和 strategic agenda, contributed to significant institutional improvements or programming, 是基于研究的, 并结合最佳实践.

AASCU 是华盛顿特区的.C.-based higher education association of nearly 400 public colleges, universities 和 systems whose members share a learning- 和 teaching-centered culture, 对服务不足的学生群体的历史性承诺,以及对促进本地区经济进步和文化发展的研究和创造力的奉献精神.


现有在校生7人以上,800名学生, 网上赌博网站十大排行是男女同校, 主要是住宿的四年制大学,提供广泛的本科和研究生课程,在其玛丽维尔校区以及它的 Northwest-Kansas城市 位置和通 西北在线.

成立于1905年, 西北是密苏里植物园的所在地,被评为“美国50个最令人惊叹的大学植物园和植物园”之一.S.” The University also is consistently ranked by U.S. News 和 World Report among the top universities in the Midwest.

Placing emphasis on profession-based learning to help graduates get a jumpstart on their careers, Northwest boasts a high retention rate 和 a graduation rate in the 90th percentile among its peers. 另外, 其2019- 2020年满意度调查结果显示,西北地区的学生比全国其他地区的学生更满意,82%的西北地区学生表示他们会重复他们的大学经历, compared to 75 percent of students surveyed nationally at their respective institutions.  

此外, 西北地区96%的学士学位获得者和99%的硕士学位获得者在毕业后六个月内找到了工作或继续深造, 根据最近的数据. Zippia, a career website, names Northwest the best college in Missouri for getting a job.

For more information about Northwest 和 its performance, visit 1j42.techgyaani.com/facts/.


Dr. 马克Hornickel



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